The first Friday named after dark color was a Thursday – the stock market crash of October 1929 in New York – because of the time difference then in Germany to Friday. But this has nothing to do with Friday, which is the day of big discount promotions – also with the attribute of not sending out any light frequencies.

We have something else – the 40 € meat voucher! For that you get a good kilo porterhouse, or almost a kilo fillet of beef, or a kilo and a few crumbs of burger patties from Wagyu Nozaki beef…

Enough for two to two and a half and a successful barbecue evening!

Please note that the meat voucher for the meat rebels is only issued when you buy a grill on our website, which can only be redeemed within the delivery area of the meat rebels.

Why don’t we name the colour?

That’s why!