Dear barbecue friends,

Today I would like to give you some reasons why a charcoal grill is environmentally friendly. Many of you may think that an electric or gas grill is better for the environment because it produces less smoke and CO2. But that’s not entirely true. It depends on where the charcoal comes from and how it is made.

Charcoal is a renewable raw material that is obtained from wood. If the wood comes from sustainable forestry, for example if it is certified with the Naturland seal, then it does not contribute to deforestation. On the contrary, it promotes afforestation and biodiversity conservation. In addition, the wood binds CO2 from the atmosphere during its growth, which is released again during combustion. This means that no additional CO2 is produced.

Charcoal can also be made from waste products such as olive pits, corn cobs, or coconut shells that would otherwise be thrown away. These have the advantage of burning longer and leaving less ash than conventional charcoal. They are a bit more expensive, but you save on supplies and garbage.

Another reason why a charcoal grill is eco-friendly is the way you light it. If you use natural lighters made of wood wool or brushwood, instead of chemical lighters or alcohol, you avoid harmful gases and odors. The grilled food should also not be extinguished with beer, as this causes smoke and carcinogenic substances.

As you can see, there are many ways to grill in an environmentally friendly way with a charcoal grill. You just have to pay attention to the origin and quality of the charcoal and light it correctly. Then nothing stands in the way of a cozy barbecue evening with delicious food.

I hope you found this post interesting and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments. Until next time!

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