But there are arguments – some of them justified – against barbecuing, especially in public spaces. But not everything is true, especially if you grill responsibly, with a durable, ingeniously designed, super great grill from Berlin suitable for this purpose 😉

For example: when the disposable grill does not radiate heat upwards, but downwards, causing long-term damage to the turf. So do other grills, but not (you guessed it) the TWEEnHALF. He remains the cool sock on the bottom. Since stainless steel conducts the heat poorly or hardly, you can also touch the already heated grill in the lower area and carry around, but still remain careful!

Against falling embers you simply put one of the two boards as a protection underneath, the lawn thanks you!

Another common argument that is railed against charcoal grills into the park air, the smoke! The smell!

Yes, when charcoal is lit, smoke can (the emphasis is on can!) be produced. However, quality charcoal and the right technique prevent this. Then, if you want to stay on the safe side in clean air – use, for example, corn spindles. They burn quickly and smoke free!

To avoid smoke development during grilling, you must make sure that when you put marinated food on the grill, the marinade is wiped off first! The flavor of the finished grilled food is not due to the charred residual marinade on the outside, but to the spices that have soaked into the grilled food over the time of marinating!

If you take this to heart, not only will you have more fun at the barbecue, everyone else around you will also feel more comfortable.

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