Go! Good even. Personally, we grill more often, why not take pictures? Quite simply – who grilled in winter from 17:00 is in the dark. Then the exposure time will be longer if the tripod is not set up – then blurs some photo.

Grillen im Dunkeln

Since the photography is tedious. But who has grilled pictures longing – just have a look in our picture archive.

Who wants to know exactly when and where the sun or the moon goes up or down, there is of course an app for it. Here is a recommendation from us, Sun Locator, is available for free and as a Pro without advertising. Here you can also follow the course of the sun at different times of the day and the seasons. This makes it easier, for example, to choose a picnic or barbecue area if you prefer sun or shade later in the day.

There are also versions for the browser, here’s an example. On the side you also get the info when the next total solar eclipse for the chosen place is. In Berlin that would be on 14.04.2200 between 18:08 and 18:59. In the middle of the grill time, better so you know why you are in the dark then.

Wintergrilltip – great even if the sausages are cooked, use the residual heat of the grill to warm the pot of mulled wine …